Thursday, October 23, 2008

When Hopeful meets Hopeless

Im this really normal but weird but still normal secondary student
life(dont get that wrong, it means mine - 'cause I know there's many out there that have a I-found-myself-what-a-hopeful-life and I actually think that thats a great and amazing thing) is so very absolutely bored, a so-wasted-life(kinda regret doing stupid stuff)
this post proves it everyday doing nothing but wasting time
cant believe Im actually writting my bloggie (a someone that dont know how to write, was and is still bad at writting, does it and think it's wonderful - that's me)

*sigh* hopeless yet helpless, cureless too
at least I still know that fact HAH.

I really wanna know what is hopeful's opinion after reading hopeless's(me) post?
"really hopeless" (?)

so boring that I feel like I can actually write few hundred post now.
like the song that Im listening now - Wordplay by Mr. A-Z
love his special accent and singing style

P.S. it's a weird thing that was/is happening to my cute family(actually me and my sis only)
whatever song - nice song weird song so-last-century song noisy song not famous song
that me sis and I heard then all of the sudden us falling in love with those songs
then after a while the radio internet telebi blah blah blah would then broadcast it repeatedly and it's like everyone would adored it that actually made the song I've been listening not that special anymore and I would felt kinda depressed but happy that they like it
just dont understand at all, even those outdated so-last-year song can abruptly appeared everywhere weird huh? just dont get it, it happens all the time 'til now on me and my sis
that's what I realize quite lately. so what's wrong?

P.P.S. why am I writting P.S and stuff like that? ...