Friday, October 24, 2008

My Cute Family

that sounds weird, this is me dad and all his students

I love my family.
Just a simple sentence, but shows a happy family that maybe arent together all the time but will be there to help anytime.
even so family fought for some lil tiny mini things but then the next thing you can see they're like playing together again.
nevertheless, some family have to go through so much but in the end spilt and torn into pieces, broken apart. it's like a tradegy. Everything's like drawing a big big circle and at last meet with where it started, that's what proves the thing I'd said before. nothing's fair, everything's unfair. unfairness causes every single stupid sad problems that and last it end up still unfair. maybe that's what those families that split are called unlucky,fate or just god's unfairness?
okay.. dont know what im talking again.
yeah! uploaded some pictures. for my families that haven't saw yet (?):

not here(I mean M'sia), miss her

lil' devil cousin try to kill my sis and my cousin sis

hoohoo.. meet some of the family members.

Me sis and me
(of course Im not the gross one Im the ugly one)

Pretty cousin a.k.a THE cinderella-fairy-dancing-princess
she's the one that told me that, the name is kinda long
feel like less something but if im not wrong.

BIGG NEWS! me grandpapa is singing karaoke?!

far far there is me grandma and this is the medicine shop

still love my family.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

To Joe joe

J-O-E!!!!! (x2)
finally got time to visit your blog (but you've'd too many post. so you know me for so long laziness made me read the latest one only) and write to you, hope you get to see this-

wuddahell is goin' wrong with'cha this days?
Ei (which is "I" that I dont really like to pronounce it as "I") mean like being that psychotic isane maniac of you all this time after going to that damn idiot got probs-studentS and IS a problemo secondary school. you kinda change so much but so lil (dont know describe)
so how's it going in that psycho hospital eh? urh.. meant pycho" school.
these days you're suffering huh and you're like i-loved-my-parents-dont-want'em-hurt-'cause-of-me guy
stupido.. if you really love'em maybe you can discuss everydamnthing with'em?! ..maybe?
and lil did I know your sad-dy thingy
so have you overcome your lonely business already?
I so wish I can help you and accompanied you all this time
but the fact is I didnt.. apologize for that
if you're still alive must contact me.

ya right.. you just SMS-ed me (is that coincidence? or you stalk me?!!)

miss you sooooo much but damn I cant make it this Sat
and Im feeling kinda blue now.. =.T

now my status is half-holiday status
Oct no more school til Nov only school restart and its 4 damn days only.
how bored is that..
so hope that there's classes at school every damn holiday that can learn and understands more things * but not those sitting-on-the-chair-looking-at-the-whiteboard-until-buttachE lessons
if can, asked me and some like JE out this stupid HOLY-days
now you can see that im so heavenly nothing-to-do bored already yeah?

love ya.

yours a-lil-weirdy,

When Hopeful meets Hopeless

Im this really normal but weird but still normal secondary student
life(dont get that wrong, it means mine - 'cause I know there's many out there that have a I-found-myself-what-a-hopeful-life and I actually think that thats a great and amazing thing) is so very absolutely bored, a so-wasted-life(kinda regret doing stupid stuff)
this post proves it everyday doing nothing but wasting time
cant believe Im actually writting my bloggie (a someone that dont know how to write, was and is still bad at writting, does it and think it's wonderful - that's me)

*sigh* hopeless yet helpless, cureless too
at least I still know that fact HAH.

I really wanna know what is hopeful's opinion after reading hopeless's(me) post?
"really hopeless" (?)

so boring that I feel like I can actually write few hundred post now.
like the song that Im listening now - Wordplay by Mr. A-Z
love his special accent and singing style

P.S. it's a weird thing that was/is happening to my cute family(actually me and my sis only)
whatever song - nice song weird song so-last-century song noisy song not famous song
that me sis and I heard then all of the sudden us falling in love with those songs
then after a while the radio internet telebi blah blah blah would then broadcast it repeatedly and it's like everyone would adored it that actually made the song I've been listening not that special anymore and I would felt kinda depressed but happy that they like it
just dont understand at all, even those outdated so-last-year song can abruptly appeared everywhere weird huh? just dont get it, it happens all the time 'til now on me and my sis
that's what I realize quite lately. so what's wrong?

P.P.S. why am I writting P.S and stuff like that? ...


Its so damn unfair.
this whole living thing and this world
why is everything so UNFAIR?!
just can't believe, there's justice in this world huh?
but.. kinda think of it more
it's like is this fate? or just some kind of coincidence?
or it's just a game that god plays all this time?
some needs more but get the least
some just get everything but doesn't need most
when is the world going to REALLY open up their mind and wake up..?
it still isnt the time to open up our eyes and see clear everything, then when is it gonna be?
"whatever who gives it a damn."
as long as we're feeling happy living in this fake damn ugly halusinated world we dont need to care anything, huh?
only one will wake up when
falls into the reality
maybe everyone's born unconcious and living like a dead body without any spirit
and someday anyone will feel tired of being like that(means.. ownself think), but its okay to be unconcious?
okay, I sounded weird
what the hell was I thinking and writting..
what a total weirdo I am..

P.S. I still think that it's unfair

P.P.S. WHY?!

Friday, August 15, 2008

2oo7 weird composition

only chinese version no translation for English
sorry for the inconvenient (HAHA)

*先讲先哈, this 作文 very 的 long and boring, but 要看就要看到底,不然就不要看!



这是一个荒唐,夸张,快乐,悲伤......充满少年青春活力,用词粗俗(Pai se,为了表现出现代青少年)的故事!哈!哈!


队长,吴韦乐,是个超爱绘画的漫画家.满脑稀奇古怪创意无限的想法,使得他的作品大卖,遍布全球,急速窜红,获得了个什么“最年轻..最潜能..最.. 最..最..漫画家..大奖”(那么长叫我怎样背?!)这次的旅行他付出最多,为的就是在旅行时获得灵感,写他下一部作品.

郑力介是个鬼才摄影师.他对他那宝贝相机呵护的不像样.他不注重名利,非常爱摄影这工作,不随意提别人照相,几乎没开过摄影展,所以知名度不高. BUT他的摄影技术可不是盖的!

陈婉薇和戴舒乐是个叫“J-Z”的组合之团员.婉薇聪明灵巧, 可爱活泼,充满青春活力,男士们都被她的气质迷的倾倒了;舒乐较38,是个超爱自由, 音乐, 美术, 喜欢学但学什么都比别人慢十几拍且脾气古怪的人!私底下跟朋友们完全没有秘密,仳此间互不猜测,很信任他们.

余政洧是个历史学家,到处旅行寻找历史古迹,老是在专心研究历史遗迹,勤劳且敬业.这次来原始森林,八成又会找到什么东东,然后拖三拉四,要大家等他把宝贝收好,再继续旅程.FORGIVE ME!为了不扫兴,我得咒他一无所获,才不会拖延大家的时间.

我?我不用介绍了,知道我是江慧宽就可以了.我的工作?太杂了!偶而写写作,有时设计服装,有时画漫画,或陪政洧研究那些历史遗迹,反正我24小时忙不完,$很多.Don't envy me, 很累, u-know?每天睡不到5个小时,$多到这次旅行全我负责,unfair!他们都说:"你自己一个人用不完那么多,所以我们‘善良’点帮你花.那俩舞者 and那窜红漫画家还不也富可国,why me?!



我们惊叹地“哇-”了很久,才停下来喝口水.我们对这些比台湾101大楼还高的树感到非常好奇(他们吃什么长大哦?!神经..)大家暂时各自去看自己想观察的植物.力介“咔嚓咔嚓” 地拍下照片;韦乐把植物都画下;婉薇和舒乐跟着政洧在研究这些树.我?当然是把当时情景写下,不然你现在看的是什么?!


就在这时,婉薇大喊:“啊-!”,我们全都:“什么事?什么事?”.婉薇指着一堆草从,我们一致地看过去,一致地“哇-妈的!”,大家看到了几双眼睛顶着我们.我们使吃劲奶力往刚才那片森林的方向去.我们的速度可是 100km/h咧!我以为什么事都没了,就逗着玩:“加速前进!后面那扎Sakai就赶不来了..”,那些家伙信以为真,转过头去.“F*ck!”韦乐喊到.没想到..不远一群Orang Asli拿着武器以200km/h迅速向我们冲过来,我们的一倍eh!

下场是,我们都被绑手绑脚,抬回Orang Asli的村子去.那堆38佬见到有“猎物”,高兴到发神经.我们六个超不爽,便骂到:“你们这堆@#%*食人族!我们$*#@¿¡¥!”.可惜, 寡不敌众,我们的声音被埋没在Sakai的杂声中..

哼!虐待狂!竟然狠狠地把我们丢进一个大缸中(哇!大到能装6个人)!跌下去屁股很痛!还没骂够,一桶一桶的冷水从天而降.不到半分钟水开始淹到颈项了!“红颜薄命,红颜薄命啊!”,唉,我们的希望被浇得心灰意冷了.我真是受够了!“Bastard!你淋够了没?!”我喊到.咦?没再淋了.我们以为成功先声夺人,便齐声胡乱喊叫.没人理我们 =.=||| 悲哀!竟死在Sakai腹中,很“唔歹”!突然,我们感到屁股温温的..那堆Orang Asli把葱,胡萝卜,野菜,水果,叶子,石头...丢入缸中.没想到,38的汤比我们的还好料,but,无可否认,他们的汤比我们的恶心!

“不错嘛,临死前泡泡温泉,还能享用美味可口的汤..”一向幽默的韦乐说.舒乐生气地骂道:“you mama!咖呐塞!死到临头还装么镇定?!” 水温已逐渐升高了,我的心不禁冷了一下.村长来了!喝!死老头子扫我们的兴,我们很有默契的对他“粗口成章”.这死老头说道:“லனரூலபனலெடற,டலெகறனதன்றலனுத!”(翻译:你们尽管喊救命,没有人会来救你们的!)我们齐声大喊:“~救命! 救命!~”(一群笨蛋=.=)没想到..‘没有人’跳出来大喊:“我来救你们啦!”,Sakai们齐声喊到:“ஈஅ!ளபெ,வகைஃ!”(翻译:哇!一讲曹操,曹操就到!)结果........ 被绑在树上的曹操大喊:“谁叫我?”


我们不时跌倒,还感觉到地有点震.“Huh? What happened?!地震?!”,地震就要到第10.5级了!转头一看,WALAU!一个拥有天使般脸孔,魔鬼般身材的恐龙出现在眼前!“没有人”喊到:“Holy shit!这是这村子养的宠物BoA!”,三十六计,走为上策,我们逃!可是地震太“geng”了,我们不时跌得东歪西倒.Oh no!吴韦乐,我们的队长,支撑不住了!Piak!那只死BoA踩扁了韦乐!我们顾不得那么多了,只好忍心抛下他一直逃.BoA拿起脚来,抹了抹脚底继续追我们!

突然,我们发现那死老头手上拿着一本黑簿子.What?!Death Note?!!!另一本好像是..杂志..?隐隐约约看见..上面有婉薇和舒乐!糟了!40分钟后,婉薇和舒乐同时跌在地上..wait..该不会是..心脏麻痹吧?“No way,不能再丢下朋友不管了!政洧,想办法弄死他们!”力介很不服的说.政洧使用了他那历史学家所有的经验和知识,盘坐在地上,画了一个glyph,开始念念有词.咦?BoA和Sakai走不动了?他们都被下咒语,动弹不得.天空开始乌云密布,犹如黑色的大布幕瞬间笼罩着整个天,森林里的动物开始惊慌吼叫.现场陷入一片喧杂声,天空开始打雷下起雨来,根本就是抄“Day After Tomorrow”.一道雷劈下来,全部Sakai和BoA不见了!政洧!好厉害..好恐怖..

好不容易终于逃过一劫,来到了另一个村子(原始森林有村子的咩?)这村叫猩猩(Super Star)村.很倒霉, 一波(浪)未平,一波(浪)又起(迟早 Tsunami)当时猩猩们都在庆祝猩猩日,从他们嘴里唱着的猩猩国歌中听到.....


曲:Twinkle Lil' Star 原创人(XXX)
力介听了顿时毛骨悚然,而其他则在哈哈大笑,拍手叫好. 看SHOW看得正爽时, 没想到笑声被猩猩们听见了,而发现力介.猩猩们立刻就两眼冒‘晶星’,说:“终于找到我们亲爱的力介(猎物)了!”,讲完,它们就向力介冲过来,我们看了二话不说就拖着已被吓得全身凝固了的力介拔腿就跑,后面传来猩猩们‘美妙’的歌声,唱着:

舒乐转过头问:“呃..你们唱到酱好听,谁做词、曲的?恩,还有,你们怎样认识力介滴?(其实猩猩们也想知道)猩猩道谢后(真有礼貌)再继续追.怪了,“ 没有人”不见了?!还以为他会救我们,难道他害怕的躲起来了?(urh,actually,逃亡中分散了)逃了5小时后,还在追,真是不容易死心.我们手酸了,便把还凝固(sorry, is怕到僵了)的力介放下,然后休息.猩猩追来了!大家急着逃,忘了带力介一起逃.舒乐转身把猩猩手中的力介手中的书包中的口袋中的相机抢掉(没把他放在眼里,反正猩猩要的是力介,不是相机)就逃掉了.力介不爽的喊道:“ Woi!要救也救人!救相机有个 X 用啊?!mother!”,结果力介就酱完蛋了T.T

我很累但安心地说道:“终于摆脱那班野猩猩了.咦?力介leh?”(现在才发现人不见了,会不会太迟了点 =.=)大家坐下休息一会儿.政洧突然站起来,他被一朵似跟大象一样大又可爱(可怜没人愛のshort-form)的花吸引住了.政洧:“这朵花好特别哦, Jo, Zo, 快点过来看!”婉薇和舒乐好奇地问:“什么花?野花?班花?还是校花?”政洧说:“我鬼懂咩?!”然后就被附近另一朵花引诱而离开他们俩的范围了.

婉薇拿起力介的相机想把花拍下时,那朵花竟然动了起来!一口把相机跟婉薇吃了下去,舒乐急忙拉着婉薇的脚.结果,你猜?舒乐也被吃了.“没有人”不知从哪里跳出来要救他们时,他们俩已“花”间蒸发.“没有人”看见政洧正研究同一种花, 立刻喊:“Oh my holy Buddha!鱼什么的..余..余政洧!快闪人!”政洧闪去一边,谁知..那边一整堆!还以为它们很可爱..什么嘛!“没有人”见状,跳出来和这堆食人花斗过.可是不到半秒钟就挂掉了.

半秒足以我和政洧逃到安全区.政洧坐了下来,为死去的同伴祈祷.1分钟过去..他还在祈祷.半小时过了..他还在祈祷.两小时过了..还在祈祷?!四小时过去了..他还没动静.难..难道...他...他睡着去了..这时,有一只黑猩猩从森林里跳出来,惊醒了政洧,原来猩猩是要拿食物给我们吃,真好心啊! 哇!好丰富的两个叉烧包.由于太饿了,我拿起一个大口地咬..好吃!政洧觉得这只黑猩猩很熟眼,便问:“这是什么肉?”黑猩猩回答道:“力介的肉.”哦,原来是..什么?!力介的肉?!呸!我将叉烧包丢向那黑猩猩.生气了..它,生气了!仔细一看,草丛后一整搞黑黑的..CRAP!

(emergency only)
我们当然是二话不说立刻坐上,说:“感谢上帝!",就开始跑.跑着跑着,到了一个瀑布的顶端,我们忘了如何停下,死了!死了!要掉下去了!这时政洧害怕地喊:“我的主啊!救救我们啊!”咦?停了!停了!总算松了口气.我高兴了起来,就喊到:“Woohoo!我们得救了!感谢上帝!...哇~~!”就这样, 我们连人带马掉下去了.

政洧一直喊, 喊, 喊, 喊, 到破音.哇哑哑..哇啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊..啊..没政洧的声息了..?我就酱跌进水了.我站了起来(其实那河水才9cm深),东看西找,当我看上天空时,发现政洧像断了弦的风筝般吹走了.过后,我发现附进有一艘sampan,我跳上去,追着那个被吹走的政洧,追了3651/4天...顺便环绕世界一周,发现到政洧在这期间(因压力和风力)所哭出来的眼泪造成了五大海洋,而南极和北极侧底被淹没了,导致北极熊和企鹅绝种了.


我当然是走人为妙,救自己较重要.看到政洧要被鲨鱼吃了,我把sampan划得更快了.(一点同情心和友谊之心都没有)鲨鱼围着他,好像merry-go-round一直转一直转.我划走后,鲨鱼把政洧吃了,由于政洧把水分都哭出来了, 肉都干了, 剩皮和骨, 不好吃,所以又把他狠狠地吐出来.划着划着...划了3651/4天,还找不到陆地.突然,我看见了一艘很大的木船,原来是童话故事里的Noah!他带着船里上万种双双对对的动物划过来,我顿时感到有希望.越来越靠近了!船上的Noah大喊:“Sampan上的人听着!这里是“动物"处的广播,请江慧宽同学在第一次听到就上船,有要是交代!”へえ?很熟耳,好像哪里听过.

上到船后,Noah对我比出“Death Note”里L比的枪的手势,对我说:“打劫,把身上所有的嘀呤达朗的东东交出来!”这次的旅程的$都用完了,吃的早也都丢进肚里了,哪有什么叮当咚给你?!他生气地把我丢到地下室.在下面我看到小窗外有另一艘船,隐隐约约看见上面写着“The Black Pearl”.然后“轰!轰!”我开始沉下水了......当我一张开眼,就看到一个八爪鱼脸=.=我发现到他的后面有几只动物.

动物们附近都有个名片.我最先看到的就是一只无尾熊包着一张写着“我是吴韦乐!”的名片睡觉,接下来是一只仓鼠挂着一张大牌似乎要被压死了似的,牌子上写着“余政洧”,而名片“郑力介”被摆在一只壁虎前,有只可爱的小兔子身上挂着“婉薇”,兔子旁有只袋鼠,袋鼠的袋子里放着“舒乐”.我看了看,想了想,顿时发现组员都变成了动物!它们(他们)到底是被Noah还是Captain Jack Sparrow变的,他们不都“死翘翘”了吗?!

那不知是八爪鱼,是人的怪物很客气地对我笑,并问:“你还好?你被郑力“界”的..呃..不是,是真菌界, 错!是动物界的Noah捉走了,是伟大的我来就你的.(荣兴的笑,看到都想吐)那八“丑”鱼还说:“我已吩咐南中国海的鱼鱼虾虾还有海鸥去找你的同伴的尸体了.我暂时把你同伴的灵魂放入Noah的动物身体里.”

咦?咦?咦?!发生了什么事?!从他口中得知,Captain Jack Sparrow和那只小猴子跳到Noah的船上,逼他签了个约,就放了Noah和他的动物.那就是:放了5只动物和慧宽.不然你们的下场还会比 Titanic惨!因此...就酱咯!他们“临走”前还讲小猴子可爱leh!

我们找回尸体然后把灵魂配回后,立刻乘着“Black Pearl”冲回“At World Ends”,没想到到终点时,“Black Pearl”被石头撞烂了.刚好我们抓到一长King-size bed冲了出来.这时我才看见“Black Pearl”其中一块碎木片写着“Digi(低级)Black Pearl”.怪不得那么容易烂.突然,慧宽的手提电话响了!她一接电话就听见:“I will follow you(follow you)...”顿时,回头一看,整搞黄黄色的Digiman冲过来,好壮观哦!整片“黄海”,整粒地球都变黄色了!从太空看下来,简直就跟太阳有得fight!


.................................................................................................................................................... ..................Noah, Orang Asli & BoA, Digiman, 黑猩猩, Captain Jack Sparrow & monkey, 八爪鱼头怪物和那两只马(不懂为什么掉下瀑布还没死)赞助的.


Written by :
Khan Huey Kwan (01), Jocelyn Tan Wan Wei (02), Teh Zora (05),
Teh Li Chet (52), Goh Wei Lok (57), Dylan Oo Jing Way (62).
From Junior Middle One Zhong, since 2007.

Chewing Gum

I'm gonna intro my class starting here..

dude in
my class are so damn cool and having fun. (you can say it childish? aha)
their like always doing weirdy kiddo thing sometimes so cute, sometimes-annoying

Argh! love'em so much HA Chong Hwa I
ndependent High School 2008 Junior Middle Two Ren.

dude, know why I put the ti
tle as Chewing Gum?! lately my class popped out a band named -
塑胶糖 (Chewing Gum)
four people group = =
I ensure they're better than 棒棒糖 101% (Ha, just joking fans of lolipop or whatever y'all called don't ever try ta hit me!)
Whaddya think?

the Chewing Gum group

let me intro : (from left) 1st is the colourwolf - Mathematics brainiac and a good runner, singing? nothing to say, worse than Michael Jackson (a lot)
2nd is the main vocal - [a.k.a wat tat lou/wilber pan 2nd Gen] good at everything, can't deny. 3rd - CheamZJ another brainiac too, though talks a lot of "unrecycleable" thing (废话)
last A
lvin Hohoho - can't stop being humorous, but can't stop saying people noob.
similarity : brings laughter, brainiac, likes to sing(?!) and act.

1st album : unknown

2nd album : Mona Lisa

single album : Aiyo Mama (in Chinese, English, Melayu)

[*the Chewing Gum never go to Singapore before and still not allowed at the present]
okay... let's stop jokes here.. photos photos photos


what's with that face?

so scary..

(*photos are still in progress of collecting, please forgive my unPROness)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Okay.. this is it..
finally since 14 years 8 months and 12 days after I was born
I created ma own blog.. though I don't write much
everyone around me has their blogs and I'm kinda left out..
today is the day when our beloved Earth is gonna move backward
'cause NORMALLY I'm too lazy to do this kind of thingy
Check my mails once in a century and got 'bout 2,000 something junk stucked in my mailbox
and that's me, lazy much?!

okay now I feel stupid.
Nobody would like actually come take a look at my Tea bloggie
maybe I made this just to put up photos and discuss.. with my friends
right, Yun? HA.
BTW guys, you'll found out lots of ".." or half-unfinish-sentence 'cause, you know, too lazy to type or explain. LALALA

here is it,
intro of boring.. weird.. ugly(?) Tea blog. =)
[PS : Peace!]